
Bio Notes

First Rank

Seth : A relatively black sheep candidate for office, Seth had worked for nearly a year in First Rank before becoming elected to Coordinator position for it in 2002. He has served in office opposite to Public Relations during coordinators such as Luka, Kristos, and Lucas. He has remained in office without pause since 2002, and although occasionally difficult for others to get in touch with, has proven to be a balancing force for the Blackbirds. Seth is most well known for his tendancy to be both passive and have a curious logic. Seth enjoys anime and weapons sparring, and also playing videogames. (9.30.04)

Sasha : Sasha was chosen to take Internal Affairs in 2002, and was a surprise achiever in his development of the entertainment division more formally in 2003. While he took a brief vacation between the latter half of 2003 and the early quarter of 2004, he remains a frequent coordinator with a knack for both Internal and Public Relations. (9.30.04)

Isere : Trained in the Consulting Department for the years of 2002-2004, Isere had been a frequent assistent in government before his formal election. He has worked in both Public Relations and Internal Management to aid a number of events, and many in Second and First Rank are familiar with him. Isere is less social than the rest of his department, but the addition of his viewpoint has been useful in helping work for the company. (9.30.04)

Malik : Malik is a longtime participant in the Blackbird structure, being in a working capacity off and on for years. He has spent some of the first years in First Rank when it was originally formed, and moved to Second and Third before becoming re-elected when Lucas took office in 2001. He has worked with nearly every coordinator ever to hold office, and was a part of the original team of organized government alongside Kit, Jade, and Justine. While he was elected to head Public Relations more formally in 2004, he is currently being assisted by Griff and Isere. (9.30.04)

Luka : Having worked actively in Second Rank for several years before becoming elected to First Rank, Luka is an old hand at structured government. Luka served originally under Kit from 1998 until her election in 2000, and though she has been moved from First to Second on occasion, she remains a strong participant. Her transfers from Internal Management to Public Relations and back again have been frequent, depending on the needs of the Blackbirds, but she retains a knack for both departments along with an ability to coordinate with Second Rank that has served well over the years. (9.30.04)

Christopher : Able to work comfortably with Seth, Christopher took office in 2004 to help with the problem of Seth's highly distinctive vocal patterns externally, along with his sporadic internal communications. Since then, Christopher has become a quick favorite on First by the voters on Third and Second. Christopher and Seth often work together in situations when Seth alone might be percieved as strange by the Blackbirds' social environment, and the pair have been highly effective. (9.30.04)

Second Rank:

Kirstin : Experienced with balancing general finances and managing the budget past people's personal affairs, Kirstin has retained her office for years of good service since 2000. Formerly a single-person department, she has expanded to enforce the importance of a budget for the whole as time has gone on. Kirstin has also managed to improve on overall company budgeting, earning her a note of distinction in 2004. (9.30.04)

Matthew : Previously in First Rank as Internal Affairs, Matthew has worked under Lucas in 2001 before being switched over to organizing details for Luka in 2002, and finally moving to Second Rank in 2002. He has demonstrated adequate skill in a supporting position, has refined his ability to organize over the years, and has also built a strong working relationship with the Consulting Team. (9.30.04)

Janus : Janus is the coordinator for the Artist's Team, replacing the dual-header pattern in 2001. He claims he likes toast. (9.30.02)

Benjamin : Apprenticed to Ruth, the former head of External Maintenance, for several months before election in 2002, Benjamin has grown his department to a close rapport with Internal Management, Internal Maintenance, and Finances. His accomplishments include being able to restore the body's health care on a number of levels, and to even convince the company to stick by them. (9.30.04)

Kristos : Heading Public Relations for a short time before his accent proved to be too difficult to work around, Kristos worked with Seth and placed the 2002 Redeclaration in motion. After proving his talent for maintaining a light mood in tense situations, Kristos stepped down to Second Rank and took over the Emergency Team. Since then, Kristos has developed the Emergency Team from its transition as the Communications Team into the Consulting Department, where it has become a strong cornerstone to allow those from Third Rank to become familiar with current events if they have lost track.(9.30.04)

Why don't we list everyone? Because we would go on for pages and pages, and it would be boring. Hence, we only list people in primary office positions.