
In Essence
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In Essence Affirmation
In Essence Affirmation, Full Version:

1. [For all intents and purposes,] this body is participated in by a(n) [individual/group.] This [individual/singlet/group] has an organized means of operation and will continue in whichever way is best for the [individual/group.] This is to be measured by emotional, mental, and physical health of all members incorporated in said group, whether they are people, fragments, soulbonds/muses/puppets, or characters.

2. [I/We] agree that [my/our] ongoing intent is to function at or beyond the level of any other average individual in the society around [me/us], being aware of [my/our] own needs and requirements and taking [my/our] own action to fulfill them without requiring external government. As long as [I/we] follow this agreement, [I/we] can be counted upon to be aware of [my/our] own state of beings and to be interested in [my/our] interactions with society. Until [I/we] prove ourselves to be incapable of maintaining our basic physical needs, [I am/we are] to assumed to be as capable as any other physical body out there.

3. If [I/we] cannot restrain an individual's behavior, [I/we] must still bear the results of said behavior and address it if it has been decided to be a problem. [I/We] agree that the group will take the consequences of the group. It is up to the group to govern and accept the consequences of the group's behavior though there may be individual action that was not representative of the whole.

4. As long as [I/we] perform at a functional level, it is [my/our] right to decide when and where [I/we] require external assistance. [I/We] agree that it is the responsibility of the group to remain functional. If, at any time, the group is not on a balanced keel, it is up to [myself/us] to take action to repair this.

5. [I/We] agree that the group is expected to have the necessary checks and balances to maintain a level of functionality and well-being. We are expected to know when and how to manage the needs and desires of the group's members. We do not need to seek treatment for the existence of those we may not like, but we agree to do so if their actions cannot be maintained and watched over by the group. It should be assumed that we have said checks and balances present until disapproved.

6. As long as this agreement is carried by this group, [I/we] will hold not only those of [myself/us] [I/we] know of to it, but also those [I/we] do not. All members of this group can and will be held to this declaration's intent if they are to interact with matters externally and of the whole. If at any time, [I/we] undergo a dramatic enough shift to warrant a redecision of keeping to this agreement, it is [my/our] duty to declare that the affirmation is no longer applicable and to reestimate said agreement and restate if necessary. If enough of the group does not agree to the standard, it must be canceled.

7. As long as [I/we] participate in the external world, [I/we] will remember to respect other people for how they present themselves to [me/us], regardless of if they are singlet or plural to whichever degree. [I/We] will not measure [myself/ourselves] against other people in terms of essence and rankings of superiority therein. [I/We] will regard them upon the grounds of how they interact with [me/us] and should be able to expect the same courtesy from them.

8. Until that time, [I/we] declare that we can be counted on to operate with the goal of being a functional member of society in mind and should be given the proper status therein, unrestricted by the nature of [my/our] essential state. Those who interact with [me/us] can expect that we operate with these standards in play and will willingly repair problems if they arise. [I/We] will take our consequences for [myself/the group] and will behave accordingly.

Signed and dated by ___________